
Half a Century of Love

This weekend we’re celebrating my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary. Half a century of married life is a pretty big deal and is deserving of a celebratory blog post – and pictures!

Let me tell you about my parents. They met when Mom was 15 and Dad was 16. They were married two years later. Yes, they were babies when they got married, but they were in love and nothing was going to stop them from being together. So grandma and grandpa signed the waiver so my underage future mom could marry my barely of age himself future dad.

Everyone said it wouldn’t last. They were just kids, they didn’t stand a chance of making it in the real world. Those words would have been true, but for the grace of God. He got ahold of their lives and the rest, as they say, is history!

Life wasn’t easy for these two young lovers, but the hardships made them stronger and they never gave up on each other. Eight years after they tied the knot, God answered their prayers for children when my brother was born. A few years later I came along and our little family was complete.

They taught us how to work hard and love well. They introduced us to their Jesus and raised us to be kind to others. They supported (and continue to support) each and every one of our crazy dreams and encourage us all along the way. They taught us that the sky really is the limit and if we work hard, and look to the Lord for help, we can reach our dreams in God’s perfect timing.

As a family, we’ve witnessed too many miracles to mention and endured great losses. Yet we live with hope and joy because we know there is so much more to life than what we can see from our earthly perspective. Mom and Dad, I can have joy for my journey through life because it’s something you have taught me well. You taught me to look for what God is doing in the midst of the hard things and you taught me how to laugh through it all.

Thank you! Thank you for raising us to be a close family. Thank you for being my parents, but also my best friends. Thank you for always believing in us. Thank you for the examples your lives have been to Ike and I and so many others. For 40 years I’ve watched you both love others so well. You’re quick to help out anyone you can. You have always opened your home to anyone who needs a safe place to heal and feel loved on. You’ve adopted more of our friends as your own than I can count. You showed us what it means to sacrifice some of what we have (resources, time, money, you name it…) to help someone in need.

You have been the hands and feet of Christ to so many and have changed the world with your kindness. The ripple effect of your love reaches across the world – literally! You have impacted more lives than you will ever know this side of Heaven. I love you both to pieces and I can’t wait to celebrate with you this weekend. Happy 50th Anniversary!

Friends, if you know my parents and would like to leave them a message, I invite you to leave a comment and I’ll make sure they see it. Let’s make their day extra special!

Until next time,


About Author

I'm the author of "Howie's Broken Hee-Haw," a photographer, and lover of all things adventurous. I'll walk alongside you and help you discover joy for your journey and freedom in Christ!


  • Jenny Knipfer
    July 16, 2021 at 2:18 pm

    What a great tribute to your mom and dad! Please wish them a Happy Anniversary from me. 😊


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