Behind the Photo Fridays / Photography

The Setting Sun

The Setting Sun

This month has been a bit of a blur and as I drove home I felt tired, on the edge of frazzled. I was coming from my parent’s house, where I stopped after work to get some much-needed Ruby snuggles.

I live 2.6 miles from my parents. The drive from their house to mine isn’t terribly exciting. However, this trip was different. I turned onto my long road home and the vision of beauty before me took my breath away.

Immediately I was wide awake. I drove past the ugly road sign and pulled over to capture the scene. I have lived here for almost four years and I have taken a lot of sunset pictures from this road. However, I have never seen the sun lined up at the very end of the road, glistening off the blacktop, illuminating the fields full of soybeans, and giving off a soft glow in contrast to its brilliant light.

God let me snuggle Ruby just long enough for me to turn the corner and witness this glorious ball of blazing sun. His timing is always perfect!

As I stood there with my car door open, photographing this beautiful scene, an old Irish blessing was running through my head. It says,

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

As the sun dipped below the tree line I got in my car and headed the rest of the way home. Pulling into my driveway I felt peace, joy, and a renewed sense of hope. Even with all of the things that are wrong in the world, somehow all is still right because God is in control. He is worthy of our praise all day long, every day!

As the sun sets on another day, may the Son illuminate your way. And that, my friends, is how I captured The Setting Sun. (Click to Tweet!)

Until Next Time,


About Author

I'm the author of "Howie's Broken Hee-Haw," a photographer, and lover of all things adventurous. I'll walk alongside you and help you discover joy for your journey and freedom in Christ!

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