Josie Siler

A Tiger’s Spots

A Tiger's Spots

A Tiger’s Spots

I need some warmth. The weather in western Wisconsin has been a bit indecisive as of late. Today it’s cold and blustery. The pretty fall leaves are dropping off the trees and blowing all over the yard. It’s a good day to curl up by the fireplace and do some writing.

Every year when winter is about to strike I go into denial. I fight getting out my warmer coats, I pretend the temperatures aren’t really going to drop to well below freezing, I try to forget that soon it will be snow blowing into my windows instead of leaves, and I question why I live in a place that gets so very cold.

But the truth is I love this place. I love experiencing all four seasons. I love the fresh crisp air of fall and the vibrant colors of the changing leaves. I love the snow when it piles high and I get stuck inside drinking hot chocolate and baking cookies. I love the smell of spring in the air and the muddy puddles as winter melts into a distant memory. I love the rolling green hills of summer and the flowers that bring so much happiness and cheer.

But today? Today I’m indulging my denial of the cold and sharing with you a slice of summers past. Some photographs have fun and exciting stories while others have a more ordinary story. The day I captured A Tiger’s Spots was like any other summer day. I found myself wandering around the edges of my mom’s gardens looking for shiny little treasures.

Lilies aren’t my favorite flowers, but I do love the spotted Tiger Lily. They are so bright and bold, just stunning. It didn’t take me long to work my way over to these little lovelies. I spent some time capturing them from above, but if you know Tiger Lilies you know they like to hang their heads.

So like any decent photographer I got down on their level, and then hunkered down even more, to get the shot that highlighted their beauty. They smiled pretty and rewarded me with a gorgeous shot.

And that, my friends, is the story of how I captured A Tiger’s Spots. (Click to Tweet!)

Some of our stories are similar to this one. We don’t all live exciting and glamorous lives, but God has created each of us as special and unique individuals. Each of our stories hold their own beauty and are worth being told. So let’s all act like good photographers and make the extra effort to look for the beauty in others. It’s there, if we’ll only take the time to stop and look!

Until next time,


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