Josie Siler

Five Pandemic Positives

There is so much negative in the world right now. I could fill this page with challenges and hard things that this pandemic brings. However, I think we could all use a little good news right now, so here are five positive things that can be found in the midst of this Covid-19 pandemic.

1. Family Time

UTV Trail ride with my bro and parents!

I know this isn’t the case for everyone, but many people are enjoying spending more time with their family than they have in years. Games are being played, puzzles are being put together, movies are being watched, dinner is being eaten together, and precious memories are being made. These are all very good things.

2. Free Time

It’s heartbreaking that so many people are out of work and school right now, but for many it’s a blessing in disguise. We run ourselves ragged trying to do it all and in some jobs you just can’t take a vacation. You never get a break. Even though this is an unwanted break, it is time where our bodies can rest and recharge. Books are being read, naps are being taken, long walks outside are being enjoyed. When the time comes to go back to work or school, we’ll be ready to dive in with a renewed appreciation and a refreshed body.

3. Jesus Time

I’ve heard many people say that they’re enjoying longer times with the Lord reading their Bibles, praying, and doing Bible studies. For many, our time with the Lord is no longer rushed, but savored. This is a time when we can go deeper and grow in intimacy with the Lord. It’s a beautiful gift.

4. Church Time

I continue to be amazed at the amount of church services and Bible studies I see streaming online. I rejoice as Facebook Live church services fill my news feed every Sunday. Just think of all the people who would never walk into a church building, but feel comfortable clicking a button to see what this Jesus stuff is all about. This is a time where people are looking for hope and churches are offering it ways they never have before, reaching more people than ever with the good news of Jesus and the peace that’s available in Him.

5. Community Time

Community looks different but it is still happening – in our online churches and small groups, in our towns, and in our neighborhoods. I don’t know about your neighborhood, but in mine people are outside in their yards, going on walks and bike rides. We’re all thrilled to talk to another person across the street! People are looking for community, and new relationships and friendships are happening all around us. People are rallying around small businesses and local restaraunts, doing what they can to help keep them going so they can open their doors again.

Time for Change

Life as we know it has changed, and some of these changes are very good. We need to keep connecting with people in new ways, keep supporting our businesses when they reopen, and keep looking for fresh ways to do things.

I have talked with several friends who also live with chronic illness and I’m going to tell you our secret. We feel guilty about this because we hate that there is a virus that is making people sick, taking lives, and causing our world to shut down. Secretly, part of us is grateful that the world has gotten a taste of our lives. We hate it that you have to see what it’s like, but we also rejoice because now maybe more people will understand. Maybe some of these new things will stick. You see, this is the way many of us live all the time. Avoiding going out because catching the flu or another virus could kill us. We live isolated and alone, trying to connect with others online. We often watch church online – if that’s even an option for us. Some just have to miss out on church completely.

But the last few months, we’ve felt a sense of community because everyone is in the same boat. We’re all watching online together! Small groups are meeting virtually, connecting through email or Zoom or phone calls. Those of us who miss out on so many things are loving it!

It is my hope that once things open up, the world will remember those of us who still have to stay isolated. It is my hope that the online services will continue to reach people who can’t or won’t attend church in person. It is my hope that people will continue to wash their hands and stay home if they are sick because then maybe those of us who have compromised immune systems can go out a little more. It is my hope that we will continue to support each other and cheer for each other to succeed. It is my hope and prayer that we will continue to love each other better reach out to others more.

I long for the day when life can return to a sense of normal, but I pray we don’t forget the lessons we learned during this time and positives that can be found in the midst of trials.

Until next time,


“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.” ~Romans 5:3-5

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