Josie Siler

The Spring Bluebird

The Spring Bluebird

Spring is a wonderful time of year. It’s full of hope, new life, and a fresh energy after the ever too long winter. This particular spring bursts with the joy of my two bluebird friends. They’re lovebirds who love each other, and apparently, me!

My mom calls my bluebirds my angels. Can angels appear as bluebirds? I don’t think so, however, I am convinced that God sent them to me to cheer me up and help me through a trial.

You see, I’ve been fighting Chronic Lyme disease for the past four years. A little over a year ago I battled a parasite that almost killed me. I have fought hard, and won, many battles over these last four years. I was almost well, feeling – dare I say – human again.

Until the first week of November when I tripped and fell in my driveway. My head bounced off the hard cement, giving me a traumatic brain injury and nasty case of whiplash. What fresh pain was this?! Did I really have to fight another fight?

Unfortunately, yes. But, the amazing thing is, God knew what was best all along. Who knows, maybe He’s the one who tripped me that fateful Sunday morning. Before you think the bugs in my head got into my brain…well, maybe they did… anyway, let me explain.

The tumble I took was a nasty one. In fact, I hit my head so hard that it literally knocked loose Lyme bacteria and parasites that were hidden in the center of my head. We thought it was all gone, but the knock to my head proved otherwise. So, now I am once again going through the murderous detox process to heal my body – this time once and for all!

Enter the bluebirds. These little lovebirds love me. At first they just flew into my south windows over and over. I thought maybe they had brain damage too!

But then they started resting on the windowsills and looking in the house. They even follow me around from room to room. They’re there when I close my curtains at night, sitting outside my window in a tree. They’re there in the morning when I open my curtains, greeting me with their cheerful songs.

They sit at the kitchen window and watch me take my medicine; they sit at the dining room window when I eat breakfast at the table. They look in the living room windows when I sit and watch movies or eat a meal in my big comfy chair. If I can’t see them from where I am, I can usually hear them – rustling their beautiful blue feathers against a window, looking in to make sure everything is okay.

They seem to stick to the west side of the house and I had never heard them at my bedroom windows, until Easter morning when they got me up for church. I longed to go to Easter service, but I didn’t feel well. I didn’t think I was going to make it out of bed, but then I heard my bluebirds.

They pecked and flapped against my bedroom windows until I got up. They even perched themselves on my bathroom windowsill and watched me put on my makeup that morning.

And again today, after a hard night last night, they were at my bedroom window, getting me out of bed so I could take my morning medicine. They have been checking in on me all day, in between collecting supplies for the nest they are building in my backyard.

I took the above photograph on Easter morning; there were three sandhill cranes in my backyard so I had to get my good camera out. That’s when I noticed the male bluebird bracing himself against the wind atop the feeder. He looked so handsome with the spring blooms as his backdrop. I couldn’t have asked for a prettier picture, except if his lover had been in it too – but she was perched on my kitchen window, keeping watch.

Yes, friends, I’m convinced that God has sent these precious bluebirds to cheer me up and help me through these difficult days of illness. They bring me great joy, make me smile, and remind me that I have a loving Father God who only wants the best for me. Even if it means bashing my head off of some concrete. The Lord certainly does work in mysterious ways!

And that, my friends, is how I captured The Spring Bluebird. (Click to Tweet!)

Until next time,


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