Josie Siler

The Secret Staircase

The Secret Staircase

The Secret Staircase

The beautiful fall day called us to exploration. It was the perfect day to go in search of fall colors. My mom and I grabbed our cameras and set off for an adventure to Irvine Park & Zoo in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.

Even though there was beauty all around us, we were in search of a few special things. I searched a map of the park before we set out. Our first destination was Glen Loch Dam. We parked at a pretty overlook and after getting a few photos we trudged through the crunchy fall leaves to get a closer view.

We took our sweet time exploring the area before we headed over to the duck pond to get some scenic shots of the water and changing trees. From there we walked up and over the hills behind the duck pond and again had fun crunching our way through the pretty fallen leaves.

Taking the path to our left we went in search of the grand prize, some sort of secret staircase. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but when we rounded the corner I wasn’t disappointed. The fall colors were stunning and completely covered the path and the stone stairs that wrapped up the hill. It was glorious!

I haven’t been back to the staircase since that day, but I have a feeling that this year when the leaves hit their peak, my feet may find themselves walking this path yet again.

And that, my friends, is the story of how I captured The Secret Staircase. (Click to Tweet.)

Until next time,


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