Josie Siler

Behind the Photo Friday: The Bird on the Branch

The Bird on the Branch

The Bird on the Branch

It was a cold, wet, windy, and altogether dreary day. I wanted nothing more than to curl up in front of my fireplace and cuddle under my soft green blanket.

However, I was itching to take a picture. There were things going on that needed to be documented. Since moving to the country I have learned how to tell when seasons are going to change. It’s not by the melting of the snow or the changing of the leaves, but by the antics of the wildlife in my backyard.

When the birds and the squirrels start to go crazy I know the next season is almost here. The last couple of days the trees and the grass in my backyard have been filled with birds, hundreds and hundreds of birds. (Okay, so it probably isn’t really hundreds, but sometimes it sure seems like it!)

So on this cold, wet, windy, and altogether dreary day I was watching the birds in my backyard go nuts. They were flying around, attaching each other, looking for food, and doing whatever else it is birds do.

I was too tired to get my real camera out so I grabbed my cell phone to take a quick picture of the craziness. However, what caught my eye wasn’t the tree full of 20 or so birds, but the tree next to it, the one with one solitary bird perched on a thin branch. I quickly zoomed in snapped a pic before it flew away to join the others.

I don’t typically play with my photos. I do edit them a bit to enhance the natural beauty and make the photo look like what my eyes saw. However, this photo was different. Maybe I was in the holiday spirit or just looking for something different, but I decided to turn this photograph into the negative of itself and I fell in love.

It’s artsy, dramatic, a bit abstract, a little spooky, and a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

And that my friends, is the story of how I captured The Bird on the Branch. Click to Tweet!

Until we meet again,


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